The main objective of US Style managed care is to restrict choice by offering limited “network” providers with cheaper more affordable plans.

Managed health care plans are dependent on a restricted number of “network of key players”, including health care providers, doctors, and facilities who are contracted with the insurance provider to offer plans to their members. The aim of contracting health care providers doctors and hospitals is to find the most affordable means of insurance – effectively increasing insurance companies’ profits & bottom lines.

There are only a few choices of managed healthcare plans and it can be confusing to find the one that is suitable for individual patients. The three main types include Health Maintenance Organization (HMO), Preferred Provider Organization (PPO), and Point of Service Insurance Plans (POS).

Adding more confusion to an already complex system and adding more stress to those with serious illness, the consequence of implementing Managed Care into Australia is a restrictive healthcare with limited “network” providers all in the name of cost cutting and increasing profitability at the detriment of patient care.

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