US Healthcare has become one of the most lucrative industries, with billions of dollars up for grabs, and millions of people left to struggle and bear the costs. US managed care has driven patients to become more scared of the financial consequences that treating the illness might have, than that of the illness itself.

According to the American Journal of Public Health 66.5% of all bankruptcies are due to medical bills and while the average age filing for bankruptcy sits at 44.9 years, 20% of all who file for bankruptcy are over 55 years of age and 60% have University Degrees. All the while US insurers record double profits even during the pandemic

Is this truly the route we want to follow?

Australian Healthcare as we know it is at a cross roads and it is important we choose our path wisely, not just for those who are unwell or old but for the youth & the quality of the healthcare they are left with.

Now is the time to ensure we work together to help bring attention to those with power to legislate and regulate – The more who write to their Federal MP the louder and stronger the cause.

The current Australian healthcare system is far from perfect but it certainly is world class, fair and accessible to all – not just for those who are privileged to afford health insurance.

#sendtheeaglehome #noUSmanagedhealthcare #nomanagedcare #antimanagedcarelegislation