US style managed Healthcare Reduces Quality of Healthcare, Restricts Clinical Autonomy, Removes Patients Choice. It increases likelihood of breaches in patient privacy, hikes up costs and lead to a rise in low value care.
Now more than ever it is important we advocate for our healthcare and bring it to the attention of those who can regulate, legislate and mitigate against profit centric US Style Managed Healthcare. We must work together and take action before Honeysuckle Cigna NIB does permanently change the landscape of the Australian Healthcare System.
Power comes in numbers and the pen is indeed mightier than the sword, take a few minutes to advocate for your health and write to your Local Federal MP See Link in Bio and let those who have power to legislate here each single voice in one loud collective chorus…. “No to US Style Managed Care in Australia”!
#sendtheeaglehome #noUSmanagedhealthcare #supportantimanagedcarelegislation #regulate #legislate #mitigate