The Australian Healthcare System is at the precipice of change
Honeysuckle NIB Cigna quietly moulding Australian healthcare to model the US Style Managed Care system. Under the chaos of the current pandemic, changes are being introduced quietly and the long-term negative impact this will have on the quality and access to healthcare should not be underestimated.
The breadth and power of Insurance giants – the money and influence will invariably change and influence the delivery of healthcare in Australia. With profit at its core, Patient choice, quality of care, and clinical autonomy are going to be the biggest casualties.
The US find it hard to wind back from this type of System because of the sheer volume of money Insurance companies have in “influencing” decision & policy makers. Insurance in America has become an Economy of its own, with political influence and money to burn – an unstoppable goliath
Health insurance is not healthcare – Protect & Preserve Australian Healthcare, say NO to US style managed care & Support Anti-Managed Care Legislation
Now is the time to Act – Write to your Local Federal MP here and Support Anti-Managed Care Legislation #sendtheeaglehome #noUSmanagedhealthcare #supportantimanagedcarelegislation #regulate #legislate #mitigate