In the chaos of Covid pandemic, Health Insurance giant Honeysuckle Cigna NIB have sunk their talons into Australian Healthcare system and moving a step closer to US Style Managed Healthcare System.
Becoming more profitable with each passing year, health insurance companies have become an economy of their own with greater reach, influencing decision & policy makers. With political influence and money to burn, health insurance companies have become an unstoppable mammoth.
Tying health to profit moving further away from patient centric care, reducing competition and increasing incidence of low value care. US style managed healthcare is now the model by which the Australian Healthcare system is being coerced into, contracting hospitals and health practitioners undermining their ability to act independently in the patients’ best interest.
There should be no 3rd wheel in the patient-doctor relationship. How a patient is managed and treated should be a decision between the Doctor and Patient – Insurance is not Healthcare.
Say No to US-Style Managed Care & Send the Eagle Home!
Write to your Local Federal MP here Support Anti-Managed Care Legislation #sendtheeaglehome #noUSmanagedhealthcare #supportantimanagedcarelegislation #regulate #legislate #mitigate