Compared with many nations, Australia’s health system is efficient, equitable and effective. Managed Health Care threatens clinical and patient autonomy – limits quality & disease management and ultimately changes the way health care is delivered to improve Insurance Companies bottom lines and keep its share holders happy. According to Daily Telegraph Article “NIB Health fund is expecting a massive $225 million profit as a result of savings from last year’s COVID-19 surgery ban and won’t return any savings to members until next April. The company’s share price surged 10 per cent after it reported it expected underlying profits to soar almost 50 per cent from $86.9m for the first half of the financial year and be within the range of $200m to $225m.” Cigna & NIB have joined forces to create the mammoth Honeysuckle Health who proposes to introduce US Style Managed Care into the Australian Healthcare System. Cigna has no shortcomings of indictments for inappropriately denying surgery services, class action for bait & switch, providing limited physicians and hospital networks for its members even employing blowing up campaign to influence outcome of competitors merger and more recently are being sued for RICO violations & embezzlement conversion scheme.

Support Anti-Managed Care Legislation by Contacting you Local Federal MP and help preserve and protect the Freedom of Choice within the Australian Healthcare System.