“Network Care” is US Style Managed Care in Sheep’s Clothing
Honeysuckle NIB selling Australia US Style Managed Care under the façade of “Network Care” Not happening by chance - NIB has always expressed a long-term view on managed care in this country, which they call ‘network care’, and by bringing a colossal company Cigna...
“Network Care” If it Quacks like a Duck then…it’s Managed Care
The ACCC has authorised the mammoth Honeysuckle and nib health funds to form and operate the Honeysuckle Health Buying Group. Under the guise of "Network Care" US Style Managed Care is one step closer in permanently changing Our Australian Healthcare System. This is a...
The Proliferation of the Third-payer System in Managed Care diminishes Doctors Autonomy
Why do most Doctor’s Choose to Practice Medicine? The practice of Medicine is a calling and privilege - it is the ultimate opportunity to help and care for others. This harmony was disrupted by the advent of health insurance and the proliferation of the third-payer...
Legislate, Regulate & Mitigate Introduction of US style Managed Care to Australia
#Preserve #Protect #Maintain Our Australian Healthcare System’s core Value is to deliver Quality Patient-Centric Care – regardless of one’s wealth. Where the medical need of the patient is put ahead of profits and the delivery of care is according to the OECD one of...
Protect, Preserve, Maintain Australian Healthcare
#Preserve #Protect #Maintain Our Australian Healthcare System's core Value is to deliver Quality Patient-Centric Care - regardless of one's wealth. Where the medical need of the patient is put ahead of profits and the delivery of care is according to the OECD one of...
Honeysuckle Cigna NIB Modeling Australian Healthcare to that of US Managed Care
Honeysuckle Cigna NIB is set to change the landscape of Australian Healthcare for good - Swiftly moving it to model the US Style Managed Healthcare System. Threatening to convert our Australian Healthcare System from being patient-centric to profit driven. US style...
Managed Care Coming to Australia
Managed care is coming to Australia sooner than we thought! Read this article about how bringing US style managed care will negatively impact our Australian health system Act now & write to your local Federal MP to legislate and protect our Australian Healthcare...
Why Change What is Already Better?
US Managed Care is a health care delivery system organized and intended to manage cost, utilization, and quality and yet fails to do so on all fronts. This is not the direction we want our Australian Healthcare System to follow. The 2020 OECD report includes...
US Managed Healthcare: The Path We Must Avoid
US Healthcare has become one of the most lucrative industries, with billions of dollars up for grabs, and millions of people left to struggle and bear the costs. US managed care has driven patients to become more scared of the financial consequences that treating the...
Insurance is to Finance Healthcare Not Manage It
Why follow a model that has been proven to be flawed? US managed care has been well documented with deficiencies in healthcare quality, exorbitant cost, disjointed, fragmented delivery of care that can lead to patient harm & breach in patient privacy. These...
No 3rd Wheel in The Doctor-Patient Relationship
"Health Insurance is not Healthcare" is a simple yet powerful mantra that we should remember, now more than ever. With the creep of US style managed care into the Australian Healthcare system and insidiously into the patient-doctor relationship, we have to work...
Dr Carmen Brown Shares Her Personal Experience About What US Style Managed Care Is Like
Watch Dr Carmen Brown discuss the likely impact of implementing US style managed care to the Australian healthcare. She shares her personal experiences, the effect of managed care on patient care and the patient-doctor relationship. Warning of moving away from patient...
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